Hospital Project
Radha Ballabh Health Care & Research institute private limited is working to setup a 150 beded comprehensive Cancer & Multispeciality hospital with a multi disciplinary approach to cancer treatment .
The proposed location of the hospital is patna, which is the capital of bihar , located in the eastern part of india. The proposed hospital will serve all the districts of bihar , Jharkhand & nearby states where there are very few specialized cancer . the hospital will offer affordable and quality services for cancer.
Project Rationale

One in eight death worldwide is due to cancer worldwide, cancer cause more deaths then AIDS , tuberculosis, and malaria combined cancer is the second leading cause of death in economically developing countries (following heart diseases) and the third leading cause of death in developing countries (following heart diseases and diarrheal diseases) the burden of cancer is increasing in developing countries as childhood mortality and death from infectious diseases decline and more people live to older ages further , as people in developing countries of saturated fat and calorie- dense foods , and reduced physical activity, rates of cancers common in western countries will rise if preventive measures are not widely applied.
Global Trends In Cancer Incidence And Mortality
Factors that contribute to regional differences in the type or burden of cancer include regional Var iations in the prevalence of major risk factors, availability and use of medical practices such as cancer Screening , availability and quality of treatment , completeness of reporting , and age structure currently, two of the three leading cancers in men (stomach and liver) and women (breast ,cervix and stomach) in developing countries are related to infections . Stomach cancer continues to be the most common infection – related cancer worldwide , followed closely by liver and cervix,
The Indian Scenario
India is estimated to have 25 million cancer patients with 1 million new case detected every Year . Cancer cardiac and diabetes collectively accounted for 13% of the hospital case and are estimated to increase to 200% by 2020 over 556 Lakh patients die of cancer each year of which at least 1/3 could have been with timely medical intervention, awareness and early diagnosis. Forty – one percent of all new cancer diagnosed in males occur in fifteen Asian countries India , which has about 18% of the world ‘s population, accounts for 7% of new cancer case s in males and 9% in females as shown in .
Bihar & Jharkhand
Bihar & Jharkhand which is know as the health care capital has also not done enough when it comes to Infrastructure for cancer Treatment . The government cancer facilities are woefully inadequate.
There are 3 major cancer centers in Bihar & Jharkhand – PARAS – HMRI Hospital , MAHAVIR cancer Sansthan & AIIMS . Which cater to patients from across Bihar & Jharkhand and neighboring U.P, Nepal are not sufficient to provide cancer care to its population.
Gives The projected cancer numbers in Bihar & Jharkhand by Sex. It is estimated that about 53,000 people will be affected by cancer in the period of 2016-2020. In Bihar & Jharkhand out of This , 45.3% is expected to be males and the balance of 54.7% is expected to be females.
Projected Cancer Statistics In Bihar & Jharkhand By Sex For 2016-20
Item | Total | % |
Men | 24771 | 453 |
Women | 29863 | 547 |
Source: Trends in cancer incidence in Bihar & Jharkhand (1982-2016) predictions of future burden in Bihar & Jharkhand (2007-16).
Age Wise Cancer Number Projected For 2016-2020
Age Bracket | Total | % |
0-14 | 1320 | 2.4 |
15-34 | 4346 | 8.0 |
35-64 | 34809 | 63.7 |
65-98 | 14159 | 25.9 |
Source: Trends in cancer incidence in Bihar State (1982-2016) and state wide predictions of future burden in Bihar & Jharkhand(2016-20).